Clearwater COunty
Food ShelfMinnesotans made 7,551,147 visits to food shelves in 2023, a record high for the third consecutive year. This is 1.8 million more visits than in 2022. This is 1.8 million more visits than in 2022. As food shelf visits increase across the state, data shows the highest rates of increase are in rural counties.
Our service to the community is shaped by our established goals:
Helping Hands34% of our guests report they’ve relied upon food shelves for more than two years and 64% have turned to food shelves for a year or more. Most guests visit food shelves due to unexpected expenses such as an emergency medical visit, increased heating bills, loss of job or relocation to the community, they can use a temporary food source to 'bridge' the gap. (2023)
Contact Us114 Main Ave N, PO Box 578, Bagley, MN 56621
(218) 694-6400 HoursOpen Wednesdays 10:00 - 2:00